Home Garden: Winter Prep For Spring

Virginia lends itself as a great place to build an edible home garden - whether its hundred of acres of or just a small raised garden in your backyard. Even though in wintertime we Virginians typically head back to the stores to get our produce or pull from our stash of pickled cucumbers and frozen berries from our fall harvest, we should get our hands a little dirty and start prepping for the Spring. Here is a check list you should get started on, especially during this mild winter we are having (2023).

  • Clear all of last year's debris from your garden. Winter is also a good time to weed before the weeds get a chance to take over.

  • Plan out your garden: Literally sketch it out and research so you know where you should plant them and which plants they do well next to.

  • Observe the area you want to plant your garden and make note of the shade and sun. This will be important to your planning.

  • To help increase fertility levels and improve water retention apply a layer of compost over the garden soil

  • Prep your soil! You can do this by getting your garden soil tested. When you get the results, you will know what type of additives are needed to improve the soil structure.

  • Clean and repair your gardening tools and take inventory so you know what to get the next time you are at a home and garden store.

  • Build, maintain and/or repair all your fences and gates, and trellises.

  • Order your seedlings now!

  • Decide how you want to store and use your excess veggies and fruit - whether canning, pickling, making jam or freezing - and purchase the necessary utensils and equipment so this is one less thing you have to think about when your garden is overflowing with edible goodness.

Happy Gardening!


Virginia Home Tour: The evolution of home


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