Savoring Sunshine: Virginia Peaches Take the Spotlight in Your Summertime Spread

It's that time of year when the sun is shining, and the orchards are bursting with nature's candy – juicy, vibrant Virginia peaches! If you're as peachy-keen about these delectable fruits as I am, you're in for a treat. We're diving into a peach-infused culinary adventure that spans every course of your summertime feast – from a sip to a sweet ending. So, roll up your sleeves and let's get cookin' and sippin' with those sweet Virginia peaches

Sippin' & Chillin': Peaches 'n Cream Iced Tea

Before we dive into the scrumptious dishes, let's whet our whistles with a Peaches 'n Cream Iced Tea. Here's how you whip it up:


  • Freshly brewed black tea

  • Fresh ripe Virginia peaches, peeled and diced

  • Heavy cream or coconut milk

  • Honey or simple syrup

  • Ice cubes


  1. Brew your favorite black tea and let it cool.

  2. Blend ripe peaches until smooth to create a peach puree.

  3. Fill your glass with ice cubes and pour the black tea halfway.

  4. Gently spoon in a layer of peach puree on top of the tea.

  5. Drizzle a bit of honey or simple syrup for that extra sweetness.

  6. Top it off with a splash of heavy cream or coconut milk, and give it a swirl!

  7. Pop in a colorful straw, and there you have it – a glass of peachy paradise!

Startin' with a Peachy Appetizer: Sweet n' Savory Peach Bruschetta


  • Baguette slices, toasted

  • Ripe Virginia peaches, sliced

  • Fresh mozzarella, sliced

  • Prosciutto, thinly sliced

  • Fresh basil leaves

  • Balsamic glaze

  • Olive oil

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Drizzle those toasted baguette slices with a touch of olive oil.

  2. Layer on a slice of ripe peach, a slice of fresh mozzarella, and a ribbon of prosciutto.

  3. Tuck in a fresh basil leaf for a pop of color and flavor.

  4. Give 'em a gentle sprinkle of salt and pepper – just a kiss, y'all!

  5. Finish it off with a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a touch of sophistication.

  6. Y'all are ready to munch on a symphony of sweet, savory, and freshness!

Movin' to the Main Course: Grilled Peach Bourbon BBQ Chicken


  • Boneless, skinless chicken breasts

  • Ripe Virginia peaches, halved and pitted

  • Your favorite bourbon

  • BBQ sauce (choose your fave!)

  • Brown sugar

  • Garlic powder

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Marinate your chicken in a mix of bourbon, BBQ sauce, brown sugar, garlic powder, salt, and pepper – let 'em cozy up for at least 30 minutes.

  2. Fire up that grill and cook your chicken until it's grill-marked and cooked through – we're talkin' 'bout 6-7 minutes per side.

  3. As the chicken's sizzlin', throw those peach halves on the grill too – get 'em nice and charred.

  4. Serve your tender chicken with a crown of grilled peaches on top.

  5. Have a little extra BBQ sauce on the side for dippin' – because why not, right?

Add a Dash of Charm with a Peachy Side: Pecan & Peach Cornbread


  • Cornbread mix (homemade or store-bought)

  • Ripe Virginia peaches, diced

  • Chopped pecans

  • Honey

  • Butter


  1. Whip up your cornbread mix according to the package or your favorite homemade recipe.

  2. Gently fold in diced peaches and chopped pecans – let that Southern charm mingle!

  3. Bake it up till it's golden and fragrant.

  4. Right out of the oven, drizzle some warm honey and a smidge of butter – pure comfort on a plate!

Sweet Finale: Grandma's Rustic Virginia Peach Pie


  • Pie crust (homemade or store-bought)

  • Ripe Virginia peaches, sliced

  • Sugar

  • Cinnamon

  • Lemon juice

  • Egg (for egg wash)

  • Whipped cream or vanilla ice cream


  1. Roll out that pie crust and line your pie dish – let's give it a little Southern twirl, shall we?

  2. Toss those peach slices with sugar, a dash of cinnamon, and a squeeze of lemon juice.

  3. Pile 'em high in that pie crust, because we're not skimping on that peachy goodness!

  4. Fold the edges of the crust over the peaches – rustic is the name of the game!

  5. Brush it all with an egg wash for that golden glow.

  6. Bake till the crust is a dreamy shade of brown – your kitchen will smell like heaven!

  7. Serve it up with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream – it's a slice of pure Southern comfort, y'all!

Cheers to Virginia Peaches and a Peach-Perfect Feast!


Culinary Experience by the Coast: Zoë's Steak & Seafood in Virginia Beach


A Taste of France in the Heart of Virginia!